Hilarious tweet of the day!!! Tilb Staff at Nigerian: Breaking News In Nigeria | Laila's Blog - 1 hour ago 10k is like a million dollars when the economy bites hard. It's funny, but not funny. I am glad you enjoyed my story. Visit us at www.LailasBlog.com to stay updated with more interesting/exclusive news like these. Click HERE now to do that. Confusion reigns as police, firefighters, PHCN officials abandon suicidal man on electrical pole (pics) Tilb Staff at Nigerian: Breaking News In Nigeria | Laila's Blog - 1 hour ago There is serious confusion, as authorities seem to be at a loss for what to do to bring down the suicidal man who made news this morning when he climbed an electricity pole and refused to come down. According to Ken Egbas who is live tweeting the whole drama, a bouncy castle was brought by fire fighters to cushion the man's fall, in case he chooses to let go of the pole. Now, the bouncy ca...